Fates, often incredible humanly strong. Artistic portraits of famous photographers. Stories of women which are not only inspiring, but also humanly attractive ...
37 women of Slovakia is an exclusive publication, which represents our extraordinary female figures. There are 37 women, but it does not mean that this number limits their actual number. On the contrary, only at the beginning of project there was prepared over hundreds of exceptional life stories, more or less-known personalities from various areas of our lives. The advisory team of great masters, who are presented at the final pages of the publication helped to choose symbolic 37.
Three and seven are happy magic numbers and these ladies are real happiness for our country. Even the quality of our life and good reputation in the world is based on their business and social activities. Their art brings us an amazing experience and their mastery, whether in sports, dance or dramatic profession - the joy to life. Who is the number three in the book and who is the magic seven?
When creating publications Top 37 Women of Slovakia, the authors tried to do the most objective selection and take into consideration an amount of criteria of excellence of these figures. What may be interesting for all of us, what they have reached so far, what everything they can do for others, what families and the attitude to life they have. Olympic medals are the highest valuation of sport performance, but human life and decades of dedicated rescue health, successful business, the judiciary, the financial strategy for the country, building companies and their brands, or artistic and media projects, which have equally high value.
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