Our eyes are very exhausted every day. Watching television, hours of sitting in front of computer, artificial illumination, air- condition, draught, dry air and air filled with smoke or reflected sunbeam don’t help your eyes to get better! Another possible reason could be lower frequency of blinking. It makes eyes much drier, more exhausted and more tired. Researches pointed that common blinking is 22.4 times per minute. While you are reading it’s just 10.5 times per minute and during the concentrated work with a PC it’s only 7.6 time per minute. What can you do to make your sight stronger and safe this irreplaceable organ?
Eye drops moist your eyes, they calm and prevent them from another irritation.
At pharmacy they advise you according to your symptoms.
Massages and exercises with the eye
Massages help with the coordination and make quality of sight higher:
Narrow your eyes and relax. Then use your fingers and massage your eyes slowly. After that move alternately up and down and again down and up. Repeat six times. After that blink your eyes strongly 10 times and then relax. And the last exercise is focus. You should write big written letters H and A with your eyes. Then relax again.
Extra tipe:
You can make your overburden eyes stronger with two spoons of peeled seeds of sunflower.
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